Keyword Pages
idiopathic thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura 119
plasmapheresis 119
plasmic score 119
idiyopatik trombotik trombositopenik purpura 119
plazmaferez 119
plasmic skor 119
carbapenem-resistant klebsiella infection 124
mortality 124
nosocomial infection 124
risk factors 124
karbapenem dirençli klebsiella enfeksiyonu 124
mortalite 124
nozokomiyal enfeksiyon 124
risk faktörleri 124
anxiety 134
computer 134
headphones 134
anksiyete 134
bilgisayar 134
kulaklık 134
azygos lobe 144
computed tomography 144
emergency department 144
azigos lobu 144
bilgisayarlı tomografi 144
acil servis 144
antidepressant 146
dystonia 146
side effect 146
venlafaxine 146
antidepresan 146
distoni 146
yan etki 146
venlafaksin 146
fatigue 149
multiple myeloma 149
presenting signs 149
weakness 149
yorgunluk 149
multipl miyelom 149
başvuru semptomlar 149
halsizlik 149
acute 152
colchicine 152
toxicity 152
akut 152
kolşisin 152
toksisite 152
malignant melanoma 155
melanoma treatment 155
stages of melanoma 155
types of malignant melanoma 155
malign melanom 155
melanoma tedavisi 155
malign melanom tipleri 155
melanom evreleri 155
mental health 166
shift workers 166
sleep disorder 166
akıl sağlığı 166
vardiyalı çalışanlar 166
uyku bozuklukları 166